Welcome Business Owner

A neurotic manipulator who has no idea what time management is, but wants to live the 4-hour week. His only weapon is money and he uses it to manipulate Copywriters and Marketers among others.

In the world of Katharaxia, the business owner is a feared creature, a master manipulator who wields money as their primary weapon. They have no regard for time management, always chasing the elusive 4-hour workweek, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. They are constantly juggling multiple tasks and projects, never pausing to take a breath, and they have a reputation for driving their employees to the brink of exhaustion.

Despite their neurotic tendencies, the Business owner possesses a sharp mind and a keen sense of strategy. They are skilled at identifying and exploiting weaknesses in their competitors, and they are always on the lookout for new ways to expand their empire. They have a talent for negotiation and persuasion, and they use this to their advantage in all aspects of their business dealings.

To achieve their goals, the business owner employs an army of minions and contractors tasked with carrying out their bidding. They are always on the hunt for new talent to add to their ranks, particularly skilled copywriters and marketers, who they use to promote and expand their business ventures.

The business owner is a force to be reckoned with in the world of Katharaxia, feared and respected in equal measure. While their tactics may be ruthless, there is no denying their success, and many aspire to one day attain their level of wealth and power.